Two of the partner companies of the Life Eggshellence project, Adelino Duarte da Mota S.A. and Maincer S.L., attended the Cevisama Fair held in Valencia between 26th February and 1st March. In addition, 29th February ITC-AICE and the company EuroAtomizado S.A....
We have won the award go!ODS
Our project LIFE EGGSHELLENCE, which we coordinate, financed by the LIFE 2014-2020 Environment and Climate Action Programme of the European Union (REF.: LIFE19 ENV/ES/000121) has won, together with 16 other projects chosen among 506 nominations, the prestigious Go!ODS...
Next Event 22th February: ODS AWARDS
We are happy to announce that our Life Eggshellence project has been chosen as a finalist in the ODS9 (Industry Innovation and Infrastructure) of the #ReconocimientosgoODS of the ONU Global Pact Spain and Rafael del Pino Foundation On 22 February at 19:00h the jury...